Tuesday, August 25, 2015


This is a miniature chair. I made it out of twigs and sticks from the backyard. It's about 7" tall.

The joints are glued with superglue using baking soda as the accelerator. I'm also using a fair amount of 5-minute epoxy here and there.

I decided to try weaving the chair seat. At first I tried to do so with pine needles, but that didn't work so well. Then I tried strips of masking tape, which worked great. I joined two strips of tape, sticky side to sticky side, to make a ribbon. Then I cut thin strips with an X-acto. Then I started weaving.


After it was done I added a thin wash of oil paints to the seat to make it not look so ... clean.

Soon this little guy will be heading for Free Art Friday in the ATL.